Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

History of HCI

Hai... this time I try to share my knowledge to every people that read my blog. This is about “Histry of HCI”. Yeah eventough just “headline” but I hope u will get it. You will be know about Key People and Events,  Series Of Paradigma Shifts, Understanding where you’ve come from can help a lot in figuring out where you’re going, Knowledge of an area implies an appreciation of its history.
Paradigma, Predominant theoretical frameworks or scientific world views, e.g. Aristotelian, Newtonian, Einsteinian (relativistic) paradigms in physics. But Understanding HCI history is largely about understanding a series of paradigm shifts. Now, for example paradigm shift of HCI:
·        Cards,tape -> VDU
·        Mainframe -> PC (Personal Computer)
·        Glass tty -> WIMP interface
·        Commands -> Direct manipulation
·        Direct manipulation -> Agents
·        Visual -> Multimedia
·        Linear -> Web-like
·        Desktop -> Ubiquitous, Mobile
·        Single user -> CSCW
·        Purposeful use -> Situated use

About history of HCI, digital computer grounded in ideas from 1700’s & 1800’s and finaly technology became available in the 1940’s and 1950’s.
            Now the time to Key People and Events. Start from Vannevar Bush. He said that “As We May Think” - 1945 Atlantic Monthly, “…publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record.” . Postulated Memex device can store all records/articles/communications, Large memory, Items retrieved by indexing, keywords, cross references, can make a trail of links through material, etc. This is Envisioned as microfilm, not computer.
            J.R. Licklider in 1960 he said “Postulated “man-computer symbiosis””. Couple human brains and computing machines tightly to revolutionize information handling. And the vision / goal of Postulated is in the table.
•  Time sharing
•  Electronic I/O
•  Interactive, real-time system
•  Large scale information storage and retrieval

•         Combined speech recognition,  character recognition, lightpen editing

·        Natural language understanding
·        Speech recognition of arbitrary users
·        Heuristic programming

In mid 1960’s Computers too expensive for individuals e.g. Time Sharing ( increased accessibility, interactive systems, not jobs, text processing, editing, email, shared file system) need for HCI.
            Ivan Sutherland, SketchPad - ‘63 PhD thesis at MIT
-        Hierarchy - pictures & subpictures
-        Master picture with instances (ie, OOP)
-        Constraints
-        Icons
-        Copying
-        Light pen as input device
-        Recursive operations
And new paradigm of video display units:
•         More suitable medium than paper
•         Sutherland’s Sketchpad as landmark system
•         Computers used for visualizing and manipulating data.

            Douglas Engelbart (Envintor of Mouse)
Landmark system/demo:hierarchical hypertext, multimedia, mouse, high-res display, windows, shared files, electronic messaging, CSCW, teleconferencing, ...

            Alan Kay (Personal Computer, Dekstop Interface)
  • Dynabook - Notebook sized computer loaded with multimedia and can store everything

New Paradigm of Personal Computing

·        System is more powerful if it’s easier to use
·        Small, powerful machines dedicated to individual
·        Importance of networks and time-sharing
·        Kay’s Dynabook, IBM PC
·        ‘70’s IBM PC
o       Text and command-based
o       Sold lots

PCs with GUIs
·        Xerox PARC - mid 1970’s. Alto is local processor, bitmap display, mouse Precursor to modern GUI, windows, menus, scrollbars, LAN – Ethernet.
·        Xerox Star - ’81. First commercial PC designed for “business professionals”( desktop metaphor, pointing, WYSIWYG, high degree of consistency and simplicity). First system based on usability engineering (Paper prototyping and analysis, Usability testing and iterative refinement
·        Star, Commercial flop ($15k cost, closed architecture, lacking key functionality
·        Apple Lisa - ’82 (Based on ideas of Star, More personal rather
than office tool but stil $$$, and it was failure
·        Apple Macintosh - ’84 (Aggressive pricing - $2500, Not trailblazer & smart copier, Good interface guidelines, 3rd party applications, High quality graphics and laser printer).

New paradigm of  PCs with GUIs
·        WIMP(Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers). Can do several things simulataneously, Familiar GUI interface, e.g. Xerox Alto, Star; early Apples

Metaphor (New paradigm)
•         All use is problem-solving or learning to some extent
•         Relating computing to real-world activity is effective learning mechanism
-        File management on office desktop
-        Financial analysis as spreadsheets

Ben Shneiderman
•         Coins and explores notion of direct manipulation of interface
•         Long-time Director of HCI Lab at Maryland
New paradigm
•         ‘82 Shneiderman describes appeal of graphically-based interaction
-        object visibility
-        incremental action and rapid feedback
-        reversibility encourages exploration
-        replace language with action
-        syntactic correctness of all actions
•         WYSIWYG, Apple Mac
•         Multimodality
§         Mode is a human communication channel
­       Not just the senses, e.g., speech and non-speech audio are two modes
§         Emphasis on simultaneous use of multiple channels for I/O

Ted Nelson
•         Computers can help people, not just business
•         Coined term “hypertext”
New paradigm
  • Hypertext
­       Think of information not as linear flow but as interconnected nodes
­       Bush’s MEMEX, Nelson’s hypertext
­       Non-linear browsing structure
­       WWW (World Wide Web) ’93.

Nicholas Negroponte
•         MIT machine architecture & AI group     ‘69-’80s
•         Ideas:
-        wall-sized displays, video disks, AI in interfaces (agents), speech recognition, multimedia with hypertext.
New paradigm
  • Language (Agents)
­       Actions do not always speak louder than words
­       Interface as mediator or agent
­       Language paradigm
  • CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)
­       No longer single user/single system
­       Micro-social aspects are crucial
­       E-mail as prominent success but other groupware still not widely used

Mark Weiser
  • Introduced notion of “calm technology (It’s everywhere, but recedes quietly into background)
  • CTO of Xerox PARC
New paradigm
  • Ubiquity
­       Person is no longer user of virtual device but occupant of virtual, computationally-rich environment
­       Can no longer neglect macro-social aspects
­       Late ‘90s - PDAs, VEs, ...

Okay!!! I hope u know an understand about history of HCI. Actually this is my first time wrote something in blog and also in English. My new experience, so I need repairing for my English, of course from u. Thanks for read and wait for the next knowledge. I love in it. Assalamualaikum....
 Dont forget your comment please.